Webinars & workshops
for companies
We directly support employee mental health care in companies. We teach psychology, well-being, and mental health skills. Our online webinars and live training help your teams' and managers' competencies and mental resilience to flourish.

Choose one of the thematic areas
I feel stressed out
all day long
”I have no time for myself, my family and my hobbies. There's too much to do, and I can't say no.”
Excessive stress, Mental resilience, Mental hygiene, Zen calm, Springtime lethargy
I really need a restart
at work
”I am having a hard time focusing and calming down. I feel exhausted. I don't have any ideas, I don't feel like it.”
Burnout syndrome, Happiness at work, Inner battery, Digital detox, Insight and Overwhelm
Feeling well at work as well as at home
”Problems at home prevent me from being focused at work. I don't know what to do."
Well-being, FOMO, Working remotely, Career vs. parenthood, Longevity, Emotions under control
What team?!
”We don't really meet halfway and we often argue. My colleague is always negative, he spoils the mood of the team."
Active listening, Employee Engagement, Bossing & Mobbing, Feedback, Emotional intelligence, Empathy
Managing projects
vs. managing people
”I provide my team with enough space, yet people are hesitant to make decisions or express what they think.”
Psychological safety, Team retrospective, A manager's guide, Change Management, Turbulent changes in the company, Conflicts in the team, Mental health first aid, Intergenerational Dynamics
I need to boost my
”I make concessions to everyone all the time, or feel upset with someone quite often."
Imposter syndrome, Smooth and seamless change, Fixed & growth mindset, The art of saying “no”
Meet our lecturers
And what if webinar isn't enough?
Let's organize a training series or Mental Health Day for your staff.
9:00 - 11:00 Intergenerational differences
9:00 - 11:00 Turbulent changes
Coffee break
11:30 - 13:00 Emotional intelligence
11:30 - 13:00 Mental resilience
14:00 - 15:30 Breathing exercises
14:00 - 15:30 Mindfulness